School Season Starts

This was originally published on my webpage in October, but I have moved it here so that there is continuity in the various blogs and the website doesn’t need updating so often…
Summer has come and gone, with visits and visitors in great numbers. The garden has a few more days of bloom, then it will go dormant, under the gold and brown leaves until the first shoots appear in mid-february. Figs are ready to harvest again…
The children are back in school, having adjusted fairly quickly to routine. M continues with his music, now playing a keyboard in the Jazz Lab as well as trumpet in Band, Jazz Band and SOGO. G is improving in horseback riding, and now canters reliably and readily. He has also picked up playing the fiddle (at home) and the violin (at school).
I am busy working on the house and yard, having made good progress over the summer. I am also working on building the business of my dreams. Those of you of old acquaintance will remember the name “Happy Messages”, and wll be pleased to know I have my website up with the beginnings of a store. Please visit it at and let me know what you think!

After several months of anticipation, T’s office moved into a new building in Tumwater. Not really as convenient for most purposes, we are still pleased that there is finally parking for all the employees, and easier access to and from the freeway.
And after buying a used minivan in June, doing a bit of work on it in August (timing belt replacement) we had two good vehicles for a full month! Now it’s the Sentra’s turn for timing work, but at over 200,000 miles, we are still trying to come up with alternatives.
Finally, our new family member, Lucky, is well and happy, and Buffy has established her boundaries. Anything that was hers is off limits, anything that is Lucky’s is fair game, and she reserves the right to disapprove of him totally. for his part, he has taken to putting his items in temptation’s way and waiting for Buffy to go for them. Then, he steals them back! Makes her furious… Quite a sense of humor which totally escapes her. On the other hand, I have caught them playing together in the yard a couple of times, so there is hope.


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