9 March 2006

The dogs needed to go out at three-thirty this morning. And there was a thin layer of white stuff all over the ground. Grumble, cold, grumble.

At five-thirty they wanted fresh water — their bowl was empty. I looked out the window. Still white stuff, and the floors were so cold

At seven-twenty T was talking to the boys who were thinking they might not have school today… What? I pulled myself out of my much-interrupted slumber and sat up. Yep. Snow.

So I hopped online. While the now very fluffy snow fell increasingly thick and insistently. School hadn’t even been delayed [sigh of relief], and T poked his nose outside and said it was not going to stick.

Obviously, we still have power. Snow continues to fall in flurries, now sounds like it’s mixed with some rain. It’s not sticking to the roads or driveways, and is melting pretty well on other surfaces also. Which pleases me, because I really want enough plums to make jelly this year! And with the blossoms appearing yesterday, the timing of the cold could hardly have been worse.

We’ll see how the garden fares. Hoping my happy little pollinators won’t be set back by this weather!

Meantime, on my agenda for today is transferring most of my business’ website to the server that hosts our family website; dishes, laundry, sweeping; and working on my handwriting. Yes folks, I am doing the old-fashioned handwriting drills in a drive to make it easier to write by hand, and to make the lettering I do for art projects a little neater. We’ll see how that goes, too.

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