Two weekends in a row…

G is ill again. I am also under the weather, which is a real shame, because today was beautiful, and I wasn’t able to spend any time outside at all. Fevers, chills, sore throat and cough. Sounds like a mild case of the flu to me! He’s better this evening, so I have hope he (and I) will be able to do more tomorrow than sleep.

M had a lovely time today, starting with adjudication for his trumpet (I am told it went well) followed by a day-long visit with his friend. A nice young man, they have a lot in common, and enjoy hanging out.

T finished our taxes today, despite my best efforts to stymie him — I shredded the paperwork when I was clearing out the office the other day! Argh. Fortunately, he’s a lot more resourceful and calm than I am, and was able to call the appropriate places to get numbers and replacement copies of things.

St. Patrick’s day went well. We had a nice chicken pie from my Irish cookbook. It gets easier and easier to prepare, and I am better at finding substitutions for things when I am out… Low key, but very nice.

Only a few days before Spring arrives officially, a few weeks before Easter, a couple months before the children are out for the summer. My, how time flies!

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