And the reason for my attitude

Here are pictures that demonstrate exactly (I hope) why I am unproductive creatively the last ten months — and why I am so frustrated!  Hoping it will be remedied soon…

Overview of office clutter from door

As you can see, there is still plastic hanging from the ceiling to protect my desk and some of the fabrics, a large container of insulation, the shopvac and various other tools strewn about.

The wall that got soaked...

Behind the empty boxes and the boxes of empty beer bottles (we save them to refill when friends make beer) you can see a bit of the wall where the insulation isn’t yet up.  The mottling is from mildew…  I treated it so it no longer grows, but the staining remains.  This corner is where Tom’s desk belongs.  His desk now takes up part of the entry area, and books and boxes of his supplies are piled in our bedroom in front of the dressers…
The window which lost its sill to water damage

The image above shows the clutter of tools better.  Behind the tarp is the desk I use for computer work and writing.  Not much getting done there now!  and below on the other side of the wall is the corner I use for sewing and studying.  You can see some silk scarves awaiting their makeovers, and the desk piled high with items I can’t put away on the writing desk.
the corner with my sewing and studying corner

my art workbench, partially uncovered

I finally cleared a narrow path to my workbench a week or so ago, but as you can see in the image above it’s still pretty cluttered and cramped.  Not real conducive to creativity.  And the image below shows the very end of the workbench near the door, and the comfortable chair that belongs over by the window for reading…

my cluttered comfy chair

Hard to stay organized when there is no SPACE for organizing.  I have spent most of my time the last many months working from the sofa where the light is poor, or from the kitchen which has a skylight but I can’t leave my materials set up while things dry for a few hours…

Lest you think I complain with little effort to change things, we have thrown out or donated at least a pick-up full of items in the last three months!  But organization comes slowly when storage and time are at a premium.

Still, I now have a skylight that will stay bright (the plastic in the old one had turned semi-opaque), and does not leak.  And the wiring in the wall under the window is complete.

And the rest of the house will seem so much bigger when I can get things stored away properly in the office again!


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