I am still tweaking the code for the page, looking for a nice background for the posts, maybe a graphic or two. Found some old blogs from the previous set-up we had, will see if I can install them in the archives.
At stidmama.blogspot.com today (Jan 3) I posted a few pics of buds and shoots in the mostly dormant garden. I can hardly wait for the witch hazel to fully open up, and the red flowering currant to magically appear. And the daffodils, the trillium, the crocuses…
The boys’ dentist appointment went very well — no cavities! Then, driving out of the parking lot there was a strange “thumping” and I knew…
Half an hour later, we were almost done changing to the spare tire, Tom pulled in (I had called him for backup) and took the kids to school, while I went to the tire store to see if they could patch the tire.
No go. So TWO new tires later, Tom comes in to meet me just as they need payment. He took care of it for me.
A couple of hours home to blog, babble and battle laundry.
And now, about to head out for the trumpet lesson and the mailbox…
Yep. Wednesdays are my busy days!
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