I am making good progress toward getting my space pulled together.
Here is my desk, with the chairs uncovered by clutter and slip-covered with bits of fabric I had laying around. Perhaps I should clarify… the red chair is obviously a throne, for the Princess Buffy!
What appears to be clutter to the right of the desk is actually organized sewing and craft supplies. I know pretty much everything in those cubbies, and review them periodically to expunge the no-longer-useful-to-me…
Below is a better picture of my old easy chair, which is great for doing needlework. Or curling up with a book or a baby … or a Buffy!
… and yes that is the shop vac outside. Needs more emptying action, but my shoulder was not strong enough for me to carry it farther. It made a funny sound like a pop while I was using it, then an acrid smell of ozone. Really really hoping it didn’t fry something important!
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