Did I mention the snow?

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks, sorry that a couple may be a little blurry.  These start with the younger stidkid waiting for his class to perform at the band concert on the 9th, then the snow on Sunday and the orchestra concert at a downtown church (both kids performed), and a series of pictures from today.  It is clear, just above freezing (almost balmy after the temps earlier in the week!).

tuba holds music while the stidkid waits to play
tuba holds music while the stidkid waits to play
lights on the medlar
lights on the medlar
children perform at local church
children perform at local church
the moon between the trees at 9 in the morning
the moon between the trees at 9 in the morning
my plum tree covered in snow
my plum tree covered in snow
the netting that serves as fencing for the garden
the netting that serves as fencing for the garden
carport was damaged by the wind earlier in the week
carport was damaged by the wind earlier in the week

And that’s about it for now…  at ten in the morning, the sun is out and the snow is starting to melt off the trees.  The roads seem passable, so we are about to head out and see how far we get — would like to get a couple things from town before the temperatures drop again and we really can’t get out…  snow we can handle on the hills.  Ice, not so much!

And yes, today was a snow day, and tomorrow isn’t looking so good for the schools either.


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