More about the snow…

The drive into town was fine.

The drive home…   well it was snowing.  Pretty steadily for about an hour while we were finished the shopping.  We figure it snowed 6 more inches from the time we left the house. A picture taken by the stidkid shows our estimate is pretty close.

almost 7 inches of snow on the ground at 3:30 pm
almost 7 inches of snow on the ground at 3:30 pm

By the time we had picked up the stidkid from the grandparents’ house the roads were very slippery.

Here is a picture of our road… no, the garbage trucks did not come today!

quiet street in the snow
quiet street in the snow

Coming home along the highway people were content to do about 30 miles an hour.  On the main road toward our house once we left the freeway, 20 was fast enough!  The only part that made me a little worried was the valley between our street and that road.  A piece of cake.  I joked with Tom that it would be funny to make it up that last hill and get stuck in the driveway.

as far as she got...
as far as she got…

No joke, apparently!

If you are curious about the weather patterns around Puget Sound, KOMO TV has a good summary of the current situation.

Update at 4:20 – there are multiple accidents all through the area, including a major intersection we came through just an hour ago…

And school is canceled for tomorrow. Vacation officially starts now!

I leave you for today with a couple shots the stidkid took of some especially pretty views — and one of the house, looking snug and warm in its blanket.

the plum tree branches holding up the snow
the plum tree branches holding up the snow

the wooded area at the back of the yard
the wooded area at the back of the yard

a favorite climbing tree, bigleaf maple
a favorite climbing tree, bigleaf maple

the back of the house, with snow still falling
the back of the house, with snow still falling


One response to “More about the snow…”

  1. Melissa Dare Avatar
    Melissa Dare

    Very fine pictures of the snowy situation as of yesterday. Today being sunny and clear except for menacing clouds on the horizon. I’ll try to put some pics on my blog for posterity. Good day for baking I think. Seasons best to all!

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