There was frost on the car windshields when we were ready to leave the house this morning just before 7:30. BRRRR!
Really need to get the furnace filters clean so I can run it again in the evenings!
The sky is bright blue, the sun is shining, the trees are changing colors, it is a glorious time of year.
I am getting little things done around the house today, taking it easy, reading over my notes from the day-long conference I attended on Saturday, reading the materials for the coming week, trying to figure out which end is up.
I never really feel I am back in school mode until the end of September or beginning of October. It’s something to do with the crystalline quality of the light this time of year; the meditative way I walk on the earth as the trees and plants and animals all prepare in their own ways for the coming season of rest.
I pulled out our October decorations this weekend. Some are now up, will get the rest as the week goes on. It’s good to focus on traditions at this time of change.
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