Wednesday Wonderings: Down to the Wire

This is the last weekly post I will make. I have learned a lot, and not enough. I am better informed, but far from expert.

Perhaps being “on the road” is a good model for my students. I can honestly model being a life-long learner as long as I continue to find areas in science that I can dig into more deeply (that is the easy part). I will however probably always struggle to know what depth my own students are ready to explore (that is the hard part, knowing what they are ready for).

I loved the ELL work we did Tuesday this week! I am thinking that the sort of scaffolding for language learners is similar to the sort of scaffolding for content area, and matches closely with science — which is a new “world” for students with a new vocabulary, some of which seems familiar (like a cognate) on the surface, but is slightly different, and some words being completely new. The writing system is unfamiliar. The processes for discussion are different.

The science readings for this coming Friday were… interesting. Some great information, some that I wonder about. More on that in my paper.

I have put off working on the unit overview because of the paper, will try to get to that tomorrow!


One response to “Wednesday Wonderings: Down to the Wire”

  1. hunann20 Avatar

    Cool to see ways to bring our learning from Grace Huerta’s workshop into science learning. I see the connections!

    Cool to hear identification of something that comes naturally and something that is stretching you (knowing what students are ready for).

    Helpful to read your comments that reflect making time to address all the different pieces!

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