Poem a Day April 2011

Costa Rica

the lovely waters
deceptive tides
currents drag you down and along the reef
while balmy breezes in full cliche
whisper lightly
through the palms on silk-soft beaches
here stood Caribs with golden skin and flashing eyes
and Spaniard conquerors who conquered less here
perhaps than elsewhere
as the richness of the land lay less
in metallic plunder
and more
in the mountains and valleys
in the forests and beaches
in the birds and the bees
that shelter resilient, proud


2 responses to “Poem a Day April 2011”

  1. stidmama Avatar

    I chose Costa Rica because several people we know have visited there or lived there. The ecology “feels” similar to Puerto Rico when I look at pictures, so I thought it would be good to start there.

  2. Melissa Avatar

    Why choose Costa Rica as the subject? Lovely poem and zingy underlying thought. Somethings cannot be “conquered” by simply occupying the place. Well done.

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