Playing around with the look of the site…

I am going to be trying out some different “themes” for this website over the next few days or weeks… The one that I am using today is called “NewZen.” I chose it because it comes with expandable menus in the sidebar.

Here is a screenshot of the NewZen look.  I used hex #006600 for the green heading and links, and left the other color settings the same.


Demonstrates two-column linear theme, body on the left and expandable menus on the right.
NewZen Green 006600


However, it doesn’t let me put a calendar in the sidebar easily, and I am having a little difficulty adjusting font sizes and appearance to my satisfaction. It came with a pleasant blue for the title and link colors, but as you may know GREEN is one of my signature colors (pink is the other). I am also playing around with font sizing, would like to make it adjustable. The original used a fixed font size which is fine for using text-to-speech readers but not so great for people who just need a bigger font. So I am playing around with those tonight.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think of this one!




2 responses to “Playing around with the look of the site…”

  1. stidmama Avatar

    Thanks! That’s the other problem with this theme, the fonts aren’t resizing the way I need, either!

    I love teaching, half days are easiest for me, I think — the kids feel less abandoned by their regular teachers, I think. But I also love the “repeat” assignments where I get to know the kids and they get to know me. It’s mostly fun, and even on the days that are really tiring I feel I have done something valuable.

    I hope you are also having a good year, and that your own health is okay — I know you are looking forward to retirement!

  2. Anne (Bugsaw) Avatar
    Anne (Bugsaw)

    So glad to see that you are alive and well. I have not been on Babble much either because Lickety is never up and I spend to much time on the game without it. I love the new stuff. Your garden is about 6 weeks ahead of ours. We don’t even have snowdrops, let alone daffodils.

    I am impressed with all this work. Did the computer figure out all the categories? I sure hope so. That must have been a tremendous challenge if not. I like the green colour too but my old eyes would like a larger font if you can figure it out. I am learning how to do all this in the Grade 9 Computer class and I know how tricky it can be to get things just the way you want.

    I keep you in my heart even when we don’t connect often. I hope the teaching jobs continue. You deserve to be in a classroom, just not at the cost of your health.

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