Some days don’t turn out as planned

On my way to one of my favorite classrooms this morning for a half day assignment, and not far from home…


Stopped behind a semi on one of the roads to get to the highway, it began backing up. By the time I realized it didn’t hear my horn, put it in reverse and hit the gas…

Yep. Maybe my reflexes aren’t quite what they used to be.

I am okay, the airbag didn’t deploy. The car still works, but with the bumper detached at the top and the hood looking pretty dodgy, I drove it home. After a short diversion to Mother’s for some tea and nerve-calming. She had called my job assignment, and I followed up once I was feeling better and spoke with the wonderful scheduling person for that district. Once I have wheels again, I’ll give her a call.

Meantime, learning for the day: replacement rental is probably worth it on insurance. We don’t have that, so am going to have to carefully plan where I work and when. There are five schools that still work for me, four of them actually convenient for carpooling with Tom.

Will be adding replacement insurance on Tom’s car, and mine as well.

On a brighter note, to celebrate our anniversary, I made a lasagna with two different types of tapenade (artichoke for one layer and roasted red pepper for another) instead of the more traditional spinach. And a yellow cake (from a mix) with the most scrumptious chocolate frosting. The frosting recipe is from “Cook’s” Magazine, but I found it also at


One response to “Some days don’t turn out as planned”

  1. uusue2 Avatar

    Oh no, Stid! How scary! I am glad you are ok. I dropped my rental coverage a couple of years ago to save money, and regretted it when Leo had his accident a couple of weeks ago.

    Take care of yourself!

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