Halfway through April, and there is a lot going on in the garden. A cold frame appeared last weekend, so this weekend it got some plants!
The daffodils continue to delight in the shady grove by the Asian Pears and Apples.
The gooseberry in front of some of the limbs that fell in January. Trying to decide if we can afford a chipper this year, would be so nice to mulch with wood again.
I don’t know why, but I love the color of the golden double Japanese kerria and the red Japonica that came from my mother in law’s childhood home.
A picture of a leaf on the witchhazel by the front door. Love how they look when the sunlight is coming through.
Some succulents that made it through the winter.
Soon after we moved in, my mother in law gave us some yard ornaments. I love the sense of whimsy they impart. A little frog,
…and a pair of bunnies.
Last but not least, the entry garden once more. The pink hyacinths are pretty well done, but the wonderful purple-flowered groundcover is really taking over.
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