More “Lazy Days” (repost from deviantart)

I wrote this at deviantart on Saturday evening, thought I would post it here as well. Strange how consistent I can be!

Strangely, just a little shy of a 11 months from my last post here (at I titled a post on my actual website (this one) with the same title.

Must be something about summer that makes me slow down despite myself.

My intention are always good, to “get things done” and become more organized before the flurry of activity that signals a new school year. Though I don’t yet have my own classroom (and thus evenings are pretty much my own) teaching in a different classroom each day from September to June pretty much constrains me to minimal housework and creativity most weeks.

What I had hoped to accomplish was getting the whole garden/yard back in shape. We might still make that mark, but it’s less likely the longer we go without an extended sunny period (I need to prune, weed and plant when it’s relatively dry).

The same holds for the house and storage locker: I need to use the outdoors as a space to hold items while I sort and put away in the house. There isn’t enough space left inside to safely and reasonably move items from and between boxes and shelves and still have room to rest or sleep if I can’t get it all done in a few hours.

And my artistic creations are on hold until I can uncover, recover and discover my materials and my energy/inspiration. Though I have to admit, painting the garden chairs this past week has boosted my artistic self-esteem and enthusiasm immensely.

I hope, in the month or five weeks left before our vacation time ends, we will see a little more order in the yard, a LOT more order in the house (office and living room particularly), and a reduction, however small, in the “stuff” that is stored for a rainy day. We have plenty of rainy days, and no need for most of the things that are in the way all the time.

Already, there is improvement. Now, to keep from backsliding too much before more gets done!


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