Today in the Garden

There are little treasures everywhere in the garden now.

One of the dahlias by the driveway, the arrow pointing left in the last post, is finally blooming.

Pink dahlia, Lupin Shiela

The image links to the Dan’s Dahlias page with a full description. This is one of the few surviving plants from the Seattle Flower and Garden Show. I had nine new plants this year, only 5 survived.

The rose germander is also blooming, up by the house. The blooming portion is literally against the house, it seems to do well enough in the shade of the medlar, but I suspect it would be happier at the edge of a rock wall where it would get both good light and residual heat. This specimin was purchased as a 4-inch pot from Faerie Herb Gardens in Tumwater about 11 years ago. The plant is now about five feet in diameter, and growing! The link might not work, it wasn’t loading when I created this post.

The little pansy, a plant I got from the school’s garden class sale at the end of the year, is doing fine. It finally bloomed! I love the surprise of seeing the color when a plant is grown from seed.

blue and white pansy in chipped white pot

The lilies by the door are blooming a little bit at a time, three one day, then one, and today two. They are such a bright, happy sight as I leave the house each morning!

two lilies, and wicker rocking chair

Finally, it’s not all flowers… we have productive food plants as well. Today some of the peaches were ready. This first picture is of the peaches in the cooper jelly pot Mother and Dad brought me from France. I love the repetition of color with such different textures.

Copper Pot and Peaches

Here is a picture of the peaches (that will be used for cobbler and eating rather than canning) with some of the jams and jellies.

plum-currant, plum, marionberry, raspberry, strawberry and gooseberry!

This is a picture to prove that the dining room hasn’t completely reverted to clutter…

Harvest and Jars with yummy things!

And all today… tomorrow I hope to focus on the house instead. The office needs attention sooner than later!


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