Into the new year, and…

BANG!  I started off the new year with both feet into the deep end…

I spent the first “back to school” day (January 2) recovering from the vacation and trying to get my substituting materials in order.  Then I subbed the next two days.  For a middle school class, the first day back after vacation and again the following day, a Friday.  And survived.

And again for the same students the following Tuesday.  And in the afternoon in a different subject for half of them on Wednesday.  And then in a different school and for an all-day music teaching assignment.

Then I took a break and judged debate at the UPS Invitational.  Two rounds of debate (Public Forum) and two rounds of Individual Events (which were both Novice Impromptu).  FUN!  Exhausting.  Draining.  I spent half of Saturday groggily lazing around.  And then I got up and started planning…

Because the class I subbed in at the beginning of the month needs a long-term sub and they called ME!

So rather than having a slow, quiet January as I did last year, I am suddenly the teacher of four classes of 7th grade math students, a “games” elective and a 7th grade advisory-style session.  Until further notice.

So…  a couple trips to get “treats” and supplies to make things fun, some moments of panic, and a few calmer thoughts, and I am off and away!

Meantime, the garden has been getting a little bit of attention, but mostly waits for warmer weather.  Pictures of the witch hazel blooming as soon as I load them to this computer!

And the stidkids keep on keepin’ on.  Younger stidkid will be part of a jazz group playing at the Governor’s Inaugurual Ball this coming Wednesday.  And was just invited to participate in the All-State Marching Band (which will travel this summer to Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia…).  Elder stidkid is anticipating finishing his associate’s at the community college and then moving on to …  what?  Not sure yet, but it’s sure to be exciting.

And in the meantime…  Lucky just wants to have everyone home, playing.

Summer can’t come soon enough for him!


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