Drywall done, taping started

After the drywall, mudding and taping.

Pics from today, below!

About ten minutes before the sun went behind the trees, half an hour before sunset.  The skylights face east, not west!  I insisted on skylights (as I insisted on radiant floors) and right now I feel SO GOOD about that decision!  We'll have plenty of light without needing electricity most of the days!
About ten minutes before the sun went behind the trees, half an hour before sunset. The skylights face east, not west! I insisted on skylights (as I insisted on radiant floors) and right now I feel SO GOOD about that decision! We’ll have plenty of light without needing electricity most of the days!
Now you can see how the fireplace will look -- small, almost coal-fired looking box, with a mantel and a large space above for the TV  the doorway visible on the left is the little entry closet.  the gap to the right is the opening to the kitchen.  It will have a plant shelf...
Now you can see how the fireplace will look — small, almost coal-fired looking box, with a mantel and a large space above for the TV the doorway visible on the left is the little entry closet. the gap to the right is the opening to the kitchen. It will have a plant shelf…

…and last but not least!

The almost-full moon, from Tom's office window.  So close...
The almost-full moon, from Tom’s office window. So close…

It will be so good to go home.


4 responses to “Drywall done, taping started”

  1. Anne Avatar

    Skylights are beautiful, especially when you can see the moonlight in your house. Watching the rain thru a skylight is also fascinating but my favourite was when the cat settled down and tucked his feet into his chest. It was such a lovely sight from below.
    I hope your skylights create good memories for you too. I can hardly wait til you are all in.

  2. Mother Avatar

    I love the warming oven/fireplace! Every step now results in very large results. I would love to see the house this weekend when you go out.

  3. Jill Evans Avatar

    A great landmark! Whooppeee! It won’t be long now and won’t it be wonderful!

  4. Jenny (Nef) Avatar
    Jenny (Nef)

    Congratulations on the progress! So far it’s beautiful!

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