Progress. Finally, visible progress.

We have worked on the master bathroom almost every day this month. I was sick for two weekends, once with a migraine and once with a virus, which set us back a lot.

I kept taking pictures intending to document the work. However, it seemed that although we put in dozens of hours each week the actual progress was so slight from day to day that it was not worth mentioning.

Well, we are “so close” that I want to share some of the shower work we have done.

a slightly blurry image of Tom in position making straight cuts for the larger tiles.
a slightly blurry image of Tom in position making straight cuts for the larger tiles.
Looking past the toilet area toward the bathing area.  Tub will be on the left, shower on the right.  The red is an elastomeric coating that protects the wall board if any water passes through the tile that will go over it.
Looking past the toilet area toward the bathing area. Tub will be on the left, shower on the right. The red is an elastomeric coating that protects the wall board if any water passes through the tile that will go over it.

This is the tile…

Starting to place floor tile...
Starting to place floor tile…
Tom placing the floor tile...  the edges were particularly time-consuming.
Tom placing the floor tile… the edges were particularly time-consuming.
Floor tile meets wall tile, just doing some clean-up during the week.  You can still see a bit of the red elastomeric barrier on the right.
Floor tile meets wall tile, just doing some clean-up during the week. You can still see a bit of the red elastomeric barrier on the right.
Love this pic as it shows how one of the fancy baskets will fit on the wall of the shower and the shower fixtures starting to go on.
Love this pic as it shows how one of the fancy baskets will fit on the wall of the shower and the shower fixtures starting to go on.

And finally, the shower as I left it this evening. The trim tiles are in, just need grout. The shower will get a hand-held unit on the left of the area, it goes on a bar so I can raise or lower it to suit my height without actually holding on to it!

A little blurry -- the tile is porcelain, but the white lines going up at the border are carrara marble --  it is ubiquitious these days...  and I will bring the ceiling paint color down onto the wall for about two inches above the border tile.  It is  lot prettier in person.
A little blurry — the tile is porcelain, but the white lines going up at the border are carrara marble — it is ubiquitious these days… and I will bring the ceiling paint color down onto the wall for about two inches above the border tile. It is lot prettier in person.

Tomorrow I will grout the last tiles we placed today and caulk the back corners. At some point tomorrow or Monday (likely Monday) I will finish cleaning the floor of the shower and seal it, then caulk the boundary between wall and floor later in the week. Also on Monday, the plumber will finish putting in the fixtures, including my tub. I am so looking forward to the tub…

I intended to do a lot more of the work myself, but fortunately Grant and Tom are wonderful at helping when my body fails. They did most of the work while I supervised. I have done a fair bit of “polishing” the floor tiles with a Dremel tool to get residual grout out of the pits of the black basalt-like stones.


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