Today in the garden

Tom cleared more of the veggie garden today, and so did I.

Grant weeded part of the pond garden today, and I helped.

The deer have all-but killed one of the smaller Asian pears. The crows are ravenously grabbing all the possible upper fruits…

We have blueberries, blackberries, red huckleberries and pears coming on. Plums are done — made three batches of plum jam this year.

Earlier this week, my dear friend Dorothy brought some lovely plants — a jade plant, some coleus and a pink oleander (never knew how beautiful they smell!). They look lovely in front of the house.

Below are a few pics.

Golden Asian pear:  possibly shinseiki?
Golden Asian pear: possibly shinseiki?
Asian Pear:  Ichiban?
Asian Pear: Ichiban?
These are either "Patriot" Blackberries or "Olympia" -- the tags have fallen off.  Aren't they lovely!
These are either “Patriot” Blackberries or “Olympia” — the tags have fallen off. Aren’t they lovely!

And, later this year, apples!

This is a four-in-one apple, the earliest variety is starting to color now, the deer are taste-testing the green ones already!
This is a four-in-one apple, the earliest variety is starting to color now, the deer are taste-testing the green ones already!

Strictly ornamental: the plant in the blue pot is the oleander. The large green plant in the second photo is the jade plant.

Photo Jul 27, 5 54 22 PM

Photo Jul 27, 5 54 25 PM

And finally, the pond garden looking tended again.

Pond garden with the last rays of summer sun.

[edited July 28 to include post title: for some reason it didn’t save that last night!]


3 responses to “Today in the garden”

  1. stidmama Avatar

    I hope you will get a chance to walk through it! Remember though, our seasons are “backwards” so you’ll have to plan a trip in mid-winter (for you), just past our summer solstice through the end of July are the best times. Mid-july the plums are ripe, followed immediately and slightly overlapping with the blueberry and blackberry harvests. The garden is lovely any time of the year, of course… 🙂

  2. rose Avatar

    i am so loving the vicarious pleasure of walking through your garden, kathleen. you have achieved so much. it is a delight to see. maybe one day, i will get to walk through it for real.

  3. Anne O (jbsanno) Avatar
    Anne O (jbsanno)

    Lovely, lovely! You deserve the daily beauty outside to reflect your inner beauty. So glad for you!

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