Cold frame with pumpkins (volunteer), sweet peppers and tomatoes in pots. The ground next to it has daikon radish, chinese celery, beets, carrots and dill. Bed in the background has peas and will have chinese cabbagesThe small cleared space (about 2 x 10 feet) has been planted with cantaloupe and watermelon. Fingers crossed for a warm summer!The fishpond on the left, lilacs in back, and various specimen plants now in the ground. Once they start to show their “faces” we’ll add some groundcovers!Five dahlias have been planted here, gladiolas from a few years back are up and a few other small plants are also making their presence known.The coup-de-grace is this lovely hanging basket my parents gave me! LOVE how the yellow and pink petunias look against the blue and white, and the smell is heavenly! The jade plant, a gift from a friend last year, survived inside and is back out where it can enjoy some fresh air.
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