NaPoWriMo Eighth Post

came from the south
advancing in waves
crashing against the mountains,
retreating, and
moving on.

buffeted the trees
and the grasses
and the birds
flying high or low
could not escape
the crush of the moment.

moved alongside the traffic,
now pummeling against,
now swiping left
or right,
and the cars dodged within the lanes
driven on
into the darkness ahead.

pushed the waters into hills
leaving valleys in the lakes
gasping for time
the frogs and the fishes
at once hidden and exposed
waves on the riverbanks
reveal and destroy.

tore apart the peace of spring
rent the fabric of newborn fields
pierced that moment in the day
when quiet was about to fall
and fell
into the terror of the storm.

[This poem was inspired by a drive north in the middle of a windstorm that uprooted trees, caused multiple accidents, and damaged many areas. This coincided with the U.S. taking military action without approval of congress during a terrible upheaval in the nation.]

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