Power to lights

Some of the light fixtures now have power.

They have the doors put next to the holes they go in.

The upper cabinets are up in the kitchen.

The bathrooms have light fixtures.

Master bathroom…

Master bathroom lights over the mirror The lights for the vanity: overhead.

Master bath sconces The lights for the vanity: sconces.

Full lighting, master bath The lights for the vanity: all on. No idea why the walls are so very yellow in this picture.

And just a couple of the kitchen. Only one of the pendant lights is working right now, not sure why. The under-cabinet lighting will be so useful in the rainy season! Now that the upper cabinets are in, it’s easier to see how VERY BIG this space is. Refrigerator on the left, prep sink in the unit now attached to the island, oven straight back, main sink and dishwasher on the left. We also have a cabinet for a double wall oven (but we are installing just one oven and then putting a microwave above that). The little gray utility box in the wall is for the coffeemaker.

Light off  (Grant for scale -- just over 6 feet tall).
Light off (Grant for scale — just over 6 feet tall).
The kitchen, showing the empty space for the refrigerator and a cabinet next to it for the wall oven, range on the far wall...  and on the right the space for the dishwasher.
The kitchen, showing the empty space for the refrigerator and a cabinet next to it for the wall oven, range on the far wall… and on the right the space for the dishwasher.


3 responses to “Power to lights”

  1. Anne Avatar

    Now it is really coming together quickly and I love your lights!!! Enjoy

  2. Dad Avatar

    Wow and Oh My! What a good time you’ll have getting up early so you can play with your lights!

    We’re thrilled at watching your, (collective) new house develop and are grateful that you will have a real house to call your own. May all of you have a wonderful life to fill your home with dreams that turn into reality.

    Love to all,


  3. Mother Avatar

    Oh my! What a difference cabinets and lights make! I really like the color of the cabinets in your kitchen. Thanks for posting the pictures so quickly!

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