
I have decided to post the papers I have written (the ones I can still find) online, warts and all.

Two reasons:  I would like my children to see what I have been doing, and I would like to have a storage space that is accessible to me from any location even if I forget a password!  It made sense to go ahead and share with the people who know me.

Though I don’t normally use such heavy-handed language, intellectual copyright is important, especially in academia.  All of these papers are written by me, and I retain all rights and do not give permission to print, use, or create derivative works.  If you have a compelling reason to use more than a very brief quote, you must contact me for permission FIRST; retroactive permission will NOT be granted.  Thank you for understanding.


Please note the following papers contain both posts and separate pages, you will need to use your browser’s back button to return to this page as the papers no longer show up in this website’s menu bars (on purpose).


Master’s Paper: Access to Opportunity

Essay for course titled Ecology of Language and Place: A Sense of Place

The page where I used to post updates about our home: A Garden View which fits neatly with a diary written for the Ecology course: A Walking Meditation

Response to the Sense of Place Essay above, written after the housefire: Letter to My Home on the Importance of Children

A paper I am very proud of, written for Geography 101, a course I took at the community college while sorting out necessary credits for teaching middle-school humanities: Toponyms in Thurston County

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