Category: book review

  • Kate Remembered

    I just finished Kate Remembered, by A. Scott Berg.

    I really like Katharine Hepburn — she has fascinated me for all my life — playing such strong, independent women. Feminine — but never femme, never weepy or clingy.

    This book is worth reading, though its rambling style can be a bit difficult at first (seems each chapter begins on a different topic and all of them end up interweaving), it seems to imitate the way conversations between close associates flow. Details about her likes and dislikes, her personal indiosyncracies and speech patterns come through very clearly. Though some detail is provided about her friends and companions through the years, it is ultimately and decidedly about Katharine Hepburn, whom the author knew during the last two decades of her life.

    If someone gives you this book or you see it at a reduced price, and you have some time to kill, or if you are a real fanatic about the famous actress, read it. Otherwise, you might prefer to let this one go.

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