Category: books

  • Another Hero Gone

    Well a hero to book lovers, at least.

    Tonight I read that Madeleine L’Engle has passed away.  I am sad the world lost two bright stars in as many days…

    Here is the yahoo article on her tonight: Obituary for Madeleine L’Engle

    I just had our elder child read A Wrinkle in Time as an alternative to the book assigned for a high school English assignment.  The book deals with what makes a hero, and what is really important in life.

    A hero:

    • someone who does the important things….  not the glamorous things;
    • a person who keeps trying…  even if not always successful;
    • a person who cares…  even when it hurts;
    • a person who dreams…  even when reality bites;
    • a person who gives…  without expecting in return;
    • a person who knows, down deep inside, that everyone is important…  including themselves.

    I wish I were more articulate.  This has been a busy week for me.  I would like to think that I have been living out my life in a way Ms. L’Engle would approve — helping, in small ways, to make life better for as many people as I can.

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