Category: caring

  • Taking care of little things

    I make a conscious effort to cause the least amount of pain to others that I can. I know sometimes I fail. And I know that the worms trapped on pavement that I toss back onto the soil after a rain probably aren’t grateful, if they are even aware that their situation has changed…

    But I am certain it is important to do what one can.

    I have a friend who is a veterinarian, who often helps animals whose owners “dump” them when they become too old or too ill or injured. Animals that still have a lot of living and love in them. Right now, there is a pomeranian puppy who needs surgery on a leg, but no funding. His name is Rascal. My friend is trying to save his leg, but it will be without a working knee even if she can save it.

    She can’t afford to pay his costs this time, so I am making a small donation. Thought I would do what I can to help get him the help he needs. He will be up for adoption when he is well enough.

    Wayward Creatures Relief Agency
    2845 Wrights Valley Rd
    Chewelah, WA 99109

    A webpage for Rascal is at:

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