Category: caring

  • Update on Georgia

    War stinks. If I haven’t said it often enough or loudly enough…


    I just spoke on the phone with a dear friend in Tbilisi. How can one convey the desperation? They are giving shelter to refugees. They are worried about how family members outside the country will make it home. They are isolated, alone, afraid.

    I can’t help.

    I can’t travel there, and what would I do once I arrived? I have no skills that they need.

    I don’t have much money — everything we had extra was “pre-sunk” into the garden improvements and my education earlier this summer.

    My sense of use-less-ness, the sheer magnitude of frustration is so enormous I think I may implode.

    One way to help

    I know that the International Red Cross is trying to help people in both South Ossetia and in Georgia proper… people can donate directly to this relief effort.

    Caucasus Emergency is the choice that allows you to send a little something.


    I don’t care who starts them… I just want them stopped.



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