Category: Education Professional

  • Sometimes confirmation is good…

    Today I confirmed that I am really not cut out to teach very young kids — at least, I need more experience with whole-class, non-specialist time, with second graders.

    I enjoyed my day, but it took me a little while to “hit my stride” with giving instructions, knowing what I was going to need to point out, and how to adjust as I went along. I thought I had things pretty well wrapped up when suddenly at the end of the day I had three students in tears; and one of those in full-on meltdown mode. Which discombobulated me enough that I ended up forgetting to send some notices home. Nothing that the regular teacher won’t be able to handle, just left me feeling as if the day had been somehow off-kilter. Working hard to remember that MOST of the day, and MOST of the interactions were very pleasant and productive.

    The good things: no one got physically hurt, the insults that occurred were minor, I really understood what I was doing with the reading and math work (that last one feels like a victory), and science was a blast! I accomplished almost everything in the lesson plan, too! The neighboring teacher I talked to was wonderful, and very supportive. They always are, at that school. They know that I am pedaling as fast as I can! But I did mention on the way out to the scheduling secretary that second grade is probably the youngest I should teach… I feel so much more comfortable with older students!

    I also, however, confirmed that I CAN teach the younger students and even have a pretty good time doing it. Next time I am in a younger classroom, I will be better able to head off some of the issues, and more adept at dealing with what does occur.

    Each day, I learn something new!

    It’s a good feeling.

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