Category: environment

  • Spring Lurks

    Just around the corner, Spring is waiting to um… well, “spring” in on us!

    A couple weeks ago, I noticed the large old pussywillow down by the driving range next to the grange next to the firehall as you approach what is left of the old Live Oak meadow was blooming. [Diagram that sentence, I dare you!]

    Last night, as I pulled into the driveway and stepped out on the crunchy gravel I noticed two sounds: the wind picking up in the tops of the trees (cedars “sing” when the wind brushes their tops) and the frogs in the pond next door were singing! Singing singing singing… spring!

    The days are alternately sunny, cloudy, warm or cool. The nights are clear, foggy, cold or colder.

    The grass-like orchid Mother bought me a couple years ago at the Seattle Flower and Garden Show (didn’t make it to the one this year — the last ever) is blooming for the first time since I brought it home.

    On Sunday, my darling Tom and I will have been officially married for 18 years, and together half a year more.

    Next Monday, I give my presentation to the class on my quarter-long project, which will be “okay” but not stellar. I will also write a short paper to supplement it and turn that it at my official evaluation conference the following week.

    I need to finish writing the essays for the Master’s Application that is due next month…

    Life is busy, yes. And it is good.

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