The three weeks since returning home have been busy! First the boys’ YMCA camp, then a week to recover and deal with the bugs they brought back from camp… and then this week.
I did finish a travel blog at my site at which you might enjoy. It has some pictures as well as descriptions.
Lucky ripped a toenail completely off and we had him sedated to have it checked out (and while he was under they did everything else he will need for the year: shots, exam, trimming the nails, cleaning his ears). He’ll be fine, but it really does bother him still.
Have ordered and received more scarves to work on and a few new silk paint colors.
Went to the Tacoma Art Museum with Mother and the boys yesterday… it was lovely. More on that once I have scanned in the pics the boys sketched while we were there.
Just a few more weeks, and the boys will be back in school and I will return to a routine. Until then, posts will continue to be sporadic and sparse!