Category: Family Matters

  • Memorial Day Weekend

    Hadn’t realized how long I had left off updates… probably a good thing since it meant life was relatively quiet!

    The weather the week after Mother’s Day was quite warm – August weather, really; this last week has been cool and rainy — more like March or April. I guess it all evens out to just about right for this time of year!

    We have had a good month, all in all — however our well is not working at the moment. One of the electrical components appears to have faulted sometime Saturday evening, and so we have been drinking bottled water and using out emergency water supply for dishes and hands — and buckets of water to flush… somewhat primitive, but since we still have power we can cope! Of course the well company was closed for Sunday and the holiday and most of the hardware stores as well. We’ll get the replacement parts tomorrow, we hope. Keeping our fingers crossed that this was the only part that failed, we don’t think the pump itself needs replacing.

    Tomorrow T goes on a field trip with G’s class, and we have about four more weeks of school before summer vacation. Will do a garden update in my next post…

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