Category: Family Matters

  • Back to Routine (almost)

    Had a very busy week!

    Went skiiing at White Pass over last weekend. The boys had a great time playing in the snow — I had a great time staying quiet indoors.

    Monday the children went to school. Tuesday (and through most of next week) G and I have been hanging out together while the WASLs are administered. M is in school for the period, as the WASLs in 7th grade are much less time-consuming, and actual instruction has been planned for the classes.

    Had a small burn pile on Tuesday afternoon, and something in it caused me to have a nasty allergic reaction. Sure enough, it’s triggered the itchy-burny skin reaction I have to perfumes again. Just as I had been able to be comfortable going places again!


    Yesterday and today, G and I have been making stamped calendars with Mother; a really nice woman does “Close to My Heart” workshops and sales.

    And M is now in track, not sure exactly which events he will do, but certainly he will have fun.

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