Category: Family Matters

  • Spring Breakdown

    oops. That should be Spring Break…

    The kids are home for the week. Luckily, so is T. Took the whole week off just to be with us! I am so fortunate. πŸ™‚

    Just got back from taking all the boys (including Lucky and M’s friend) for a walk at Frye Cove Park. It was short — mosquito season has begun — but very nice. There are little yellow native violets blooming in a few places, trillium, of course, and the apple trees from the old homestead are lovely — dripping in ice-green lichens and gorgeous white blossoms. They look so much like they belong in Rivendell, or a fairytale farmyard.

    Have been playing Babble now for about three weeks. It does seem to get better and go faster, but the real draw has been the conversations on the chat log. There are some truly wonderful, kind people out there and many of them play Babble! Of course, there are also a few trolls… but they don’t seem to stick around for long. πŸ™‚

    Yesterday, we went to the Olympia Farmer’s Market with Mother, and she bought us a few plants… some Lewisia for me, alyssum and violets for G, two fuschias for M. Will try to get them planted or potted up tomorrow. The weather has been quite springlike (appropriate) and should be alternately rainy and dry all week. Hope to be in the yard more than inside most of the next couple days…

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