Category: Family Matters

  • Milestones and millstones

    I actually volunteered in a classroom today. First graders, listening to them read. Wasn’t well enough to do that when my kids were little, glad I can now. This will be a weekly thing for me until school is out for the year.

    Transplanted the other kiwi. Hope I got enough of its root system — it had gone under a large root. Only one other plant that needs actual digging is the other rugosa. Then I can start planting the trees that are in pots and the tubers in the closet…

    Was a fine day here in Western Washington. We could be out in the sun. I actually ate my lunch at the picnic table T brought home Saturday from his friends’ house! That was such a treat.

    Everyone is healthy at the moment, looking forward to next week’s unscheduled activities… and anticipating getting lots of yardwork done as the days continue to lengthen and warm.

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