Category: Family Matters

  • Science Fair Saturday

    M’s science fair project with his friend went well. They did all the work in class, and managed to put together a fine poster. I think they learned a good bit, too! The community scientist was very complimentary of their work, and they seemed to enjoy explaining what they had done.

    G didn’t do a project this year — we didn’t get the form filled out in time. Just as well, since his class just completed a multi-week project of their own!

    Today, he was supposed to go to a movie with his grandmother, but appears to have a stomach bug, so ended up coming home almost right away. He is still having trouble keeping things down, but is resting so should be better by tomorrow. Something like this has been going around the school the last couple weeks, so I am not really surprised, just annoyed.

    I am going to try once again to learn SQL and php or perlscript, to try to make a dynamic website for my greeting cards… this is a big project, but I have the time, the ability, and an expert “on-call” as I need him. I think if I just focus on manageable segments (learning just the parts I need to know at this time) that the task will be easier. I can add on the rest if I am that interested!

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