Category: Family Matters

  • The Future On Its Way

    Signs of Springtime abound!

    The red-flowering currants are blooming, bright crimson against the pale yellow walls of the house. This morning, the plum tree’s white blossoms have burst open, and on the drive toward town, through yards and forest and fields, ornamental plums and crabapples are exuberantly anticipating the vernal equinox.

    Dogs are not happy that it’s cold and rainy today, but it is not as bad as earlier in the winter and late autumn when the rain blew into the house every time we opened the door.

    Today is our 15th anniversary. Wish that all people who are so inclined could make their unions legal… Maybe someday, when our children are old enough, they will.

    Actually, it’s our 15.5 anniversary of becoming a couple! I never could have imagined all the strange, scary, wild and wonderful years since then, and wouldn’t trade my life today with anyone’s.

    Blessings abound!

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