Category: Family Matters

  • And now a Palindrome

    Yes, we have a first-time palindrome in the family. Our younger child turned 11 yesterday…

    And time has just flown by. He is nearly as tall as I am, his feet are bigger. So capable, so interested in life, so full of energy and promise. I remember when I first held him and he was warm and soft — and hungry! I remember when his older brother first saw him, only hours old, and patted him and said, “Hello, Baby Drant” I remember when we took him home that first night, and his father held him while I ate my dinner, so gentle and happy.

    And all the years that have come between, full of milestones. A few scary moments, of course, but mostly joyful and fun. So good to get children through the youngest years and watch them start to come into their own.

    And in just a few more years, he and his brother will be off on their own adventures, peripheral to ours. What will it be like to have a quiet evening — every evening? What will it be like to cook for just two? What will it be like to no longer know about every bump and bruise, every challenge and triumph?

    For now, I will try to enjoy these days of commotion and worry and growth and fun.

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