Category: Family Matters

  • Middle of February!


    Hard to believe time is flying by so quickly. The weather the first week of the month was — unsettled. And windy. And rainy. And the power went out. Twice.

    Then, for over a week, the skies were mostly clear once the fog burned off, and warmer than normal.

    Today, it is COLD. It went below freezing overnight, and I am concerned about the fruit trees that are starting to produce buds. Hopefully they weren’t so far along that the cold will damage them.

    It is supposed to get even colder tomorrow. Maybe even some snow in a few places.

    G’s birthday party is scheduled for Saturday at the rollerskating rink. Then the boys have a week off school. We want to go skiiing at least one day mid-week, and G’s birthday we’ll visit mother’s school for a little bit.

    And I know we’ll be watching the entire Star Wars series including the Clone Wars animations…

    At least we have plenty of good “inside” days (and a working generator) coming up!

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