Category: Family Matters

  • On Health [musings and a personal whine]

    Some things just don’t make much sense.

    Being ill is one of them. How do our bodies manage to fail us when we have been (we thought) doing pretty well. Even though the weather and holiday visiting had kept us inside much of the last few weeks, still I was feeling pretty good. Putting up the carport with the boys one day during the vacation; pruning back some of the shrubs and smaller trees; spreading back chips, rearranging the house and office. Even felt up to playing with the fuzzy critters during the daylight hours last week!

    I spent this whole weekend stuck in bed, feeling miserable. Partly instigated by the gray weather I am sure, it was really triggered by gall bladder pain. Friday after lunch, through all day Saturday, I was tired and shaky. No fevers, but back pain and problems with food.

    Typically, a person with gall bladder problems upchucks — or at least wants to. That’s not my symptom, but there is no relief except sleep and not eating. Typically there is pain around the gall bladder itself. My pain is referred to various other places. It’s not bad enough to need a physician’s care, but it is definitely worse than a cold, slightly better than the flu, since I am not feverish, I am alert when I am awake.

    Of course, when I am ill and in pain, the last thing I want to do (or can) is exercise, but I have been doing gentle stretches, and trying to get up for longer periods as I am able.

    So, the first full weekend of the new year, and I spent it indoors in bed, reading, knitting and sleeping. I suppose there are worse things, but as I improve it gets really old… And at least it has allowed the plantar fasciitis in my heels to diminish.

    My resolution for the new year? To keep working on my health, to stay strong, to walk the dogs further each day,

    And to make the most of every day, whether healthy or otherwise.

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