Category: Family Matters

  • The apartment…

    Here are a few pics of the apartment, from before the furniture was put in, to just a little while ago. Tom and Grant are included for scale.

    Photo May 31, 6 11 14 PM

    Living room with furniture and "lived in" clutter!  my guitars were cleaned and restrung after the fire, but still need airing out periodically as the yucky smell continues to seep out of the pores in the wood.
    Living room with furniture and “lived in” clutter! my guitars were cleaned and restrung after the fire, but still need airing out periodically as the yucky smell continues to seep out of the pores in the wood.
    Grant's bedroom, pre-bed
    Grant’s bedroom, pre-bed
    bathroom, it's really long and spacious, so I can have the drying rack open and still use it!
    bathroom, it’s really long and spacious, so I can have the drying rack open and still use it!
    The apartment came with a TV, so guess what Tom installed first?
    The apartment came with a TV, so guess what Tom installed first?

    By the way, Tom is looking through magazines with me this evening, the last night of May, we’re going to make some decisions about the house over the weekend so we know what to start saving for and buying up. I want to be able to put everything in as soon as a structure is in place!

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