Category: Family Matters

  • Broken toes and little things

    I rammed my foot up against an immovable object this afternoon. Will be teaching with a broken toe for a while. Which I can do, but it’s not going to be fun. Crutches on standby, ugly but comfortable shoes at the ready!

    It was a lovely, grey-infused day today. I like the gentle, seasonally productive, rains. It’s not so dark when the silver sun is falling.

    I have done very little that is productive since I hurt my toe. Stuck with my foot elevated, tired of sitting. Will have to get up and get some of the materials I need for the coming week in order.

    This week I will have a chance to teach a lesson on figurative language, and another an art-social studies lesson that will encourage discussion about perspective taking and decision making. I will get to talk about math, science, and a host of other topics that I find interesting.

    While the elder stidkid stays in town with a friend for a few days so we don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules around school-work/school-work/school/work, I hope to get the house a little neater and more orderly.

    And I hope it keeps raining, but gently. Our mountains need snow and our aquifers need recharging. The gardens of our lives all benefit from a little water blessing at regular intervals.

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