Category: Family Matters

  • Clouds that tease

    I stepped out just after noon-thirty to walk with Lucky, and it was “starting” to sprinkle. Enough precip to splat a few times in the dust of the driveway, on my face and on the pavement down at the road. So I picked a few berries, we walked 1/8 mile and turned around. And then apparently it stopped raining.

    So now I wonder: should I water the plants in pots, or wait and see?

    The figs are done for now, there are dozens, possibly hundreds of “figs in waiting” on the three trees. IF we have a couple more weeks of sun and above-65 weather we’ll get more figs, but that is a rare occurrence here. Usually we get only the first crop and the second languishes until first frost and then drops off.

    The trees that need pruning still need pruning, but I keep eyeing the large chestnut. I love how it shelters underneath with the lowest branches. On the other hand, the low branches mean we can’t see through it to the blueberries or other plants just beyond. I would like to open up the area a little bit so the red-osier dogwood stands out a bit more. As it is, that plant should be moved or it won’t make it another year. Decisions, decisions!

    I went to sleep last night with skin that just hurt, and the beginnings of an achiness. I woke up this morning with very painful joints and skin that felt as if it would split when touched. Several hours later I was talking with Mother who mentioned that the State Surplus warehouse probably had some sort of chemical in it, and I connected the dots. Allergies are no fun. But some diphenhydramine to support the loratadine I take in the morning, some naproxen and execedrin and I am feeling a lot better.

    On the plus side: since I am not working, I had the time to rest until I felt better enough to get to work. Two blouses ironed this morning, three more that need attention and I am done for now. Some laundry folded. Fresh oil in the car (it was low, but now topped off will hold a couple weeks until I take it for the scheduled oil change). The dishwasher running, and another chapter in an audiobook “read” and I am feeling not as stressed out. Taking it easy, but getting things done. Win-win!

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