As our “leisurely” summer draws to a close, we have had two weeks of more or less unscheduled time. This has meant a host of last-minute activities, including hanging out with friends at the mall, at their houses, at swimming holes. I have made very little progress on arranging the books in the bedroom, or in the office, but the living room looks great!
The car that died in the summer of 2008 finally was towed away by the contractor for the charity that accepted it.
The dog has a somewhat persistent infection in his paw after it was cut by glass two weeks ago. We are almost done with a course of antibiotics, if that doesn’t do the trick we will have to have it professionally debrided and such. If that happens (anesthesia being needed anyway) we’ll get his hips xrayed to make sure we know why he is a more creaky than a normal 6 year-old shepherd should be.
I have applied for my dream job, and to be a substitute in the local area. Whichever happens, I will be okay with it; the dream job is a single year with no expectation that I would be rehired at any time after that. Subbing, on the other hand, would allow me to have some leisure days at home to help the kids, continue making progress on the house, and go to medical appointments that I put off for the summer.
One son returns to school in a week, one doesn’t. The son who doesn’t is alternating between looking for work and not looking for work, preferring it seems to anticipate returning to the community college in the winter. I have a long list of tasks for that son while he isn’t otherwise employed…
Tom has been at a conference (only the second one I can remember since he has been with his current employer) for several days. He seems to be enjoying it, and I look forward to a full report when he gets home.
The garden was a non-event this summer, but I made some progress in the planters and beds nearest the house, so there is hope! The peach tree is healthy, the apple tree produced a huge crop. The cherry needs to come out and the pear didn’t produce at all, but needs pruning so we will give that a try. The plum was loaded with fruit that the deer and birds got to the day before it was ripe enough for me to harvest…
And that’s about it. Elegant prose this may not be, but it’s a start. My goal is to write a little something five days a week from this point on. We’ll see!