Category: Family Matters

  • Officially done with studies!

    As of yesterday, June 3, I am officially done student teaching and done with reports, papers and similar drudgery. Although I don’t have the paperwork yet, and have one last evalutation conference (like an interview at the end of the quarter/year/program), my supervisor told me yesterday that I am in good shape and there doesn’t seem to be anything to keep me back (YAY).

    I will continue to work with the 5th grade students part-time through the end of the year (YAY!) and will add 6th grade Language Arts back in for the afternoons for a couple weeks.

    Fifth grade has been a great experience, and I feel much more confident that I can handle schedules and transitions. It also convinced me that, while I can teach younger students, I still prefer middle school. So, I will be looking for a job…

    But not right away. I plan on taking it easy this summer so I can get caught up on housework and yardwork (yay?), substitute teaching in the area in the fall, and job hunting starting in December.

    Today though, I am resting. And NOT writing!

    Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me through this process. It has not been fun, and there were many discouraging moments. I would not have made it without you.

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