Category: Family Matters

  • Taking Time

    I have decided to slack off just a little this quarter.  Without clear feedback from faculty, there isn’t much reason to go all-out, nor can I sustain my health if I do.  So this quarter I am going to meet my obligations, but no more.  I will accomplish what I can, be where I am supposed to be, turn in the required papers…  and that will be enough.

    So this weekend, I volunteered at the debate tournament and studied as much as I could in between.  Yesterday I studied.  Today I met with classmates and studied.  Tomorrow is an all-day at school, but most of the work that needs to be turned in this week is already accomplished.  So I can take a small break this evening, and this week I can read ahead in a more leisurely fashion.  I didn’t really have time to note this day of remembrance, though I was able to listen to a little bit of the radio while I drove.  It’s busy.

    The children are doing well enough.  They are engaged in many activities, the younger is now taking his first official instrument lessons:  for the trombone.  The elder is now done with debate for the year, but might pick up knowledge bowl (it meets only once a week).

    Tom is doing okay, we are trying to keep the house from exploding again after clearing some space in the dining room (again).  The office appears to be a lost cause…

    Overall, things are working out.  The weather is warmer than normal for this time of year, which has made it easier to get up and get going in the morning.  If only that were true for our friends around the northern hemisphere.

    And that is enough of an update.  Hope your new year is going well.

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