Category: Family Matters

  • Life Goes On

    The day Buffy died, Tom brought home two dozen long-stem roses.  Took me a few days to take a picture of them, and a week longer to get them up, but wanted to share them with you.  Buffy was like this.  Beautiful, and loving, and just-what-I-needed.

    Roses for Buffy

    In the eight days since Buffy left us, Lucky has started to do the things for me that Buffy used to:  sitting quietly at my side (or feet) when I am working, climbing into my lap when I need comfort, drawing me out of my shell when I need to move.  Here he is, waiting for me to finish writing a paper…

    one lucky dog at the end of July

    Not that we needed a reminder, but the rest of life continues as well.  Here is the younger stidkid, now tall enough to touch the ceiling (when he stands on the arm of the sofa, anyway).

    touch the sky!

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