Category: Family Matters

  • Finally! Pictures!

    Okay, so it took me longer than it should, but here are five pics from December 25.

    Unwrapping dungeons and dragons set

    Above: G unwraps his Dungeons and Dragons game.

    Below: both boys, this shows M with his star wars miniature bust set.

    M and G with Lucky and their presents

    Now two pics of Tom, first with the cookbook from my parents, then with the cards the boys made him — yes, that is a new robe on top of the older robe!

    Tom looks at his new cookbook Looking at cards handmade by boys

    And last, me with two of the pretty pots for hanging in the window to make starts for houseplants. They are from Egypt. The third one is a lovely cobalt blue but didn’t look good in the pics.

    Me with two flower vases

    A few things I would like to point out include the sunlight making shadows in the room and making G’s hair just shine — a rarity on Christmas day in these parts; Lucky is looking at the black “squeaky ball” that was his gift for the day; and you can see the floor!  Yes folks, the floor was not completely covered by either paper or gifts this year.  Another benefit of moderation…

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