Category: Family Matters

  • Successful Apple Festival

    Yesterday’s apple festival at the local grange hall was great fun. I think everyone who came had a good time, and I hope that it helped our friends who provide the lovely heirloom apples! All of us were able to help with set-up, serving and clean-up. The weather was lovely and the people who came were just as nice as the weather!

    Here are a few pics.  If you let your mouse hover over the picture, you’ll get a caption.
    the grange where the festival was held

    the iconic fruit stand truck and sign

    Janine, at the entrance -- co-owner of fruit stand

    boys helping set up

    baked apples

    I did not bake anything for this…  just served it up.  That’s me, in the apron.

    apple pies and applesauce cake!

    the hall fills with customers

    my parents came!

    winter squash for sale...

    The reason for it all!  Apples.

    For those who may not be familiar, a “grange hall” is a meeting place, originally established in farming and rural communities. The grange membership is composed of community members who work to make life better for the community, and they make their buildings available to people for events.

    As a side note, this is the hall where my beloved and I had our first year’s anniversary party… since we hadn’t done the whole “wedding thing” it was our chance to share our happiness with friends and family. More on that (and a few pics) another time…

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