Category: garden

  • Garden Update

    So, the squash continue to grow well, and the pumpkins seem to not be falling off quite so rapidly since I added calcium carbonate. I think there is hope for a small, late crop.

    Today, Tom and the elder stidkid worked very hard in the garden this morning while I was working on schoolwork (yes, already). Here are a few pics stidkid took, including some of me helping with the fence repair.

    First, the lovely leaves and a couple of blossoms just unfurling:

    Next, a view of the garden:

    Me, helping Tom put up the last of the netting (instead of more permanent fencing, we are using deer netting for a year or two):

    And mending a tear in the netting (who knew the wind was that powerful?):

    And last but not least, the orchard that is just up the hill (west) of the garden. Not much fruit this year, but abundant lovely dappled shade.

    This year, the plan was just to get the soils amended a bit, and re-make the beds. We have 22 autumn-winter plants to put in tomorrow or Tuesday, they will take up most of the remaining two beds. A sixth bed that runs along the west “wall” of the garden is still being re-made. I am not sure what I want to put in there, but am thinking that annuals of some sort would be a good idea, since that bed is easiest to work. Possibly I will use it for flowers in the summer, and cabbages in the winter…

    I love planning my garden! So many possibilities! And what I don’t do this year, I may do next.

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